So I've been doing this "Draw something every day" thing for the past four hundred thirty-odd straight days over on my twango page, it's been a hard but good challenge to try and maintain, and just simply by volume there end up being a few sketches I'm happy with, or at least ones that pique my curiosity.
nice, i've seen your 1 painting a day stuff on flikr or something and they are really interesting.
Wow - 430 odd straight days.
I've been doing a political cartoon a day, and I'm on only my 40th day - I was contemplating giving it up. Now I'll have to keep at it.
Great work. I really like the style.
Thanks Josh, pixelmarx, glad you're enjoying it. I wish I could say it gets easier, but at this point it's really only seems to be honing my once latent OCD...
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